We are definitely complete opposites when it comes to forgiveness and seeing people for what they really are at times. I tend to always give a person the benefit of the doubt where he is typically suspicious until they prove him differently. I don't hold grudges and he does. We definitely balance each other out when it comes to certain aspects of our personalities.
There are those that don't understand and think he is a hard ass and for that I make no apologies. His intentions are always good and pure, especially when it comes to our family. He does not like to see me hurt or upset, so he will do whatever he can to protect me from that. I love that about him even if I wish he could have a more forgiving heart, he is who he is and I will make no apologies for that. He is the man that has and continues to help me put one foot in front of the other when many times I was ready to give up and just stay in bed. It takes a very strong and loving man to stand by while he watches his wife lose her only child. He has been that man for me. If that wasn't enough, he is also the man who opened our home to move daddy in and take care of him and this situation is NOT for the faint of heart. It is hard and it takes up a lot of time (my time away from my husband for sure) and it disrupts your entire life and lifestyle as we knew it before and he does that without complaining. That's the kind of man he is.
I am no different than anyone else, sometimes I have a tendency to forget to let him know how grateful I am because I get caught up in being tired and busy taking care of the house, daddy, and work that I feel I sometimes take it for granted that he is just going to always be here. My bad!
I know he knows that I love him, but I need to do a better job of showing him how grateful I am to him and how much I appreciate all he has done, given up, put up with, and handles since he said I do December 10, 2005. I'm very fortunate and grateful, I just need to be better at letting him know that.