Monday, June 8, 2020

Today's Frustrations

I try to stay out of politics and especially off social media with my thoughts and opinions, but I
have really been bothered by something that I decided I would just put my words on paper/electronically without putting it out on the typical social media networks.
Something happened last week where Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints made a comment in a video that he would not support anyone that disrespected the American Flag.  The backlash that he has received from this statement has been terribly upset.  He didn't mention race, groups of people, etc.  He simply said he would not support anyone (that is all inclusive) that did not respect OUR American Flag.  How does every single American not feel that way?  He even referred to his generations of Veterans in his family.  How can he not feel patriotic?
So let me see if I have this as straight as I can possibly keep up with in this ever changing world.  Colin Kaepernick takes a knee during the National Anthem to protest (if I remember correctly) the mistreatment of the African American people by policemen.  First, let us not forget that moments as OUR National Anthem is being sung, he is kneeling in front of a fully dressed out US Marine!  That in and of itself should piss a lot of Americans off!  If it doesn't, then I question your patriotism.  Yes, it is especially personal for me as I am speaking as a Gold Star Mother of any only child who died fighting for that Red, White, & Blue US American Flag that Mr. Kaepernick disrespected with his timing and location of "his protest".  Did taking a knee stop any police brutality that he claimed was his reason for taking said knee?  No!  Are all police officers showing this type of brutality?  NO!  However, you don't hear the media or anyone of any color protesting to praise the good ones out there and I believe there are far more good than bad police officers.  I know too many personally to believe that this is a world wide problem in every single state, city, county.  Why is it if a police officer kills a white person nothing like these protesters takes place.  Actually, this time, the protesting has been mostly calm and non-violent, but you have some people out there jumping on a different type of band wagon that are being violent and obviously have a completely different agenda since violence is what they are supposedly protesting about.  Can you say oxymoron?  Geez!
Okay, that rant is over, so back to Drew Brees and his comment about our US American Flag.  Why is it ok for certain people to speak out or protest or whatever they want to do, but not him?  Would it have been received differently had he be any other color, but white?  I'm just curious.  I guess I'm missing something here, but what he said had nothing to do with anyone specific except himself and now the NFL Commission, Roger Goodell, is considering allowing players protest and express their beliefs how they want.  Here's my suggestion, let them express themselves, but how about doing it before the National Anthem is sung/played or after the game has ended.  Why does it have to be then?  Just wondering how a protest would have to be done during this reverent time? 
So I have now written a letter to the Executive Editor of the New York Times, NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, and the New Orleans Saints organization and now I'm just putting it on my personal blog.
You have the right to kneel?  Well, try this on for size for anyone that wants to disrespect the US American Flag or this Nation that allows you the freedoms to do what you want with apparently total disregard for others or the repercussion of your actions.  I know get to visit my only child in this way.  Colin Kaepernick and anyone else out there that wants to take a knee with our US American Flag flying in front of you and a uniformed (any branch) military service member, you just remember this is how I get to remember my son so you can act like you are acting.
CPL Chad S Wade, USMC

What a beautiful US American Flay...  The Red, White, & Blue

My baby...  this is how I get to kiss his little forehead now

Monday, June 1, 2020

All the Feels

It's not what you think when you hear people say, this gives me all the Feels.  That statement these days seem to be more positive.  Mine are a combination of literally everything right now.
If you don't know my family or daddy is in the advanced stages of Dementia and Alzheimer's and talk about all the Feels.
There are moments when we laugh and talk and things seem somewhat "normal" (as normal as you can get with this disease).  We can take walks around the neighborhood and he will comment on homes and construction like he remembers all the aspects of building a house and the next walk he won't have a clue.  Then there are moments of hurt feelings and even anger at times because of things he might say or do that are so mean and totally not him, but I am still human and have to remind myself that it isn't him, it's this dreadful disease.  Then there is sadness that daddy has been gone for a good while and now we are just waiting on the inevitable and nothing we can to do change, stop or even slow this process.  Today is fear.  He slept last night from 8:00 pm to about 7:45 am.  I knew he wasn't quite there this morning, but I helped him get into the kitchen and have his breakfast and medicines.  He ate like a 2 year old. It was messy and he acted like he wasn't sure what he was eating or how to eat. He finished and I realized he wasn't stable enough to walk to his chair on his own so I helped him and decided to take his blood pressure.  Sitting it was 99/61 with a heart rate of 74.  I waited 15 minutes and took it standing and it was 100/61 with a heart rate of 63.  He had this far away look in his eyes so I asked if anything hurt or if his head felt weird or anything and he just sat there and said maybe sluggish.  I said how about laying on the couch for a few and see if you feel better.  This was at 8:30 am.  He is literally still asleep at 11:18 am.  I have talked to his nurse and she will call me back after the doctor is out of a patient room and determine do we cut out some blood pressure medication or what. All I want to do is cry, because I feel helpless, but more than that I know he never wanted to live like this.  He just appears hollow and has sad eyes and I hate seeing him like this.  I just pray the Lord has mercy on his soul and doesn't allow him to suffer with this disease for many more years. It's so hard and sad to watch your loved one live like this (well exist like this).  Prayers for daddy if you are reading this.

I miss this daddy. 

His last attempt to look at Face Book (he isn't a fan)

Still sleeping at 11:34 AM 6-1-20

Sleeping after breakfast 6-1-20

This morning after breakfast 6-2-20

Happy because I finally said yes to fried catfish... LOL

Channeling his inner thug self

Trying to learn Face Book (no I have no idea what I was thinking)

Leaving Dawn P's house.

"Texting" on his flip phone because Stacy & I were (trying to be funny) LOL

Wreath's Across America (2019)

At Chad's wedding (he was the best man) 2009