Friday, July 15, 2016

Still getting surprised

You know, it's been 6 years and 7 months and 15 days since Chad passed away and still yet, I find myself surprised and amazed at how much the Marine Corps and their guys present and past still think of us and do things for us to let us know they haven't forgotten. 

Yesterday morning I woke up to an email from Sgt Major Boldenow inviting us to be honored guests at the USMC Birthday Ball in San Diego, CA.  They want to honor Chad through us for his ultimate sacrifice.  I truly find myself at a loss for words (that is some feat) with appreciation for this gesture.

We are planning to attend on Nov. 10, 2016 and I honestly can't wait.  Not for the recognition, but for the chance to see how much these guys still care and to hopefully see some of Chad's buddies and the friends we made through this journey. 

My heart is full and the appreciation can never be measured in words.

Thank you USMC and all that have or are serving.  It means more than you know.

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