Monday, March 23, 2020


While our country and other countries are basically on hold and/or quarantined due to the Coronavirus, better known as COVID 19, this makes for a good time to reflect and purge our lives of negativity or things that don't make us better people.
I for one need to do a better job of reaching out to others rather than stay to myself once I get home.  We are required to work from home for the next 2 weeks or until March 27, 2020 at this time.  I think fortunately I had already made preparations for daddy to stay with Stacy from this past Friday until this Thursday so Tebo and I could have a little break and so that I could have more time to focus on my job.  However, I never realized we would be hit so hard as a country with this COVID 19 so while I have been able to work from home uninterrupted, I also know that I now have 30 days that I will be required to work from home with daddy here as Pace will be closed for 30 days with a tentative re-open date of April 13th (as long as things don't decline).
It's a challenge to say the very least to have him here while I try to work, but it's a whole new challenge to have both Tebo and I here trying to work from home while still making time to care of daddy.
We have a pretty good set up right now and hopefully this works out.  Tebo is set up in the home office with his 3 monitors and I am set up at the dining room table with my 3 monitors so that I will have full view of daddy at all times during the day.  Now, daddy may not like this set up as he will have a hard time getting away with being sneaky (LOL), but I know he doesn't like sitting in a room alone either so that will make him happy.

As I think in my down time about what I can do to be a better person I am a bit overwhelmed at how much I could do and do better.  Yes, I have limited options of just picking up and going somewhere, but I could write more letters or make more phone calls and I will do my best to make that a priority behind taking care of my husband and daddy first.

We were also blessed this past Sunday with Tia getting engaged to Drew.  Yes, we are gaining a new son and we can't wait. It was a pleasure to get the chance to share that joyous moment with Tebo's sister (although, Drew did not propose at our house), we celebrated the moment they walked in.  The smiles on both their faces were almost too much for a momma's heart to handle.  We all laughed and talked and of course drank Champaign.  It was one of the best "family dinners" we have had in a long time and we all enjoyed every minute of it.

I am reminded, however, how little time we may likely have with the ones we love.  Debbie will be 69 years old this year and Tebo will be 60.  Not that those are "old" ages, it does mean that we are closing in on some "old" years.  We need to enjoy each other more and as much as we possible can.

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